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Policy and Procedures

G.17 Student Rights and Responsibilities

Upon enrolling in the College, each student assumes an obligation to conduct himself/herself in a manner compatible with the College’s function as an educational institution and to obey the laws enacted by federal, state and local governments. If this obligation is neglected or ignored by the student, the College must, in the interest of fulfilling its function, institute appropriate disciplinary action.

Students who are parents have the responsibility to arrange suitable care for their children while they attend class. Students are not permitted to bring children to class nor should children be left unattended in halls, building offices or on campus. The College reserves the right to protect the safety and welfare of unattended children.

In addition to the above, Student Code of Conduct (see AP G.19) violations that may subject a student to disciplinary action includes the following:

  1. Dishonesty such as delivering fraudulent or illegal forms of payment or knowingly furnishing false information to the College.
  2. Forgery, alteration or misuse of College documents, records or identification.
  3. Hazing, which is defined as any act that injures, frightens, endangers or degrades an individual.
  4. Harassment of another person or group by any act perceived to be coercive in nature or intimidating.
  5. Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures, or other College-authorized activities.
  6. Sexual contact of any person on College property or at College-authorized activities without that person's consent including rape and other forms of sexual assault.
  7. Stalking or Physical abuse of any person on College property or at College-authorized activities, or conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of such person.
  8. Theft or damage to College property or property of others on College premises or at College-authorized activities.
  9. Unauthorized entry to or use of College facilities.
  10. Violation of law or of College policies or procedures or campus rules or regulations (herein collectively called "Regulations").
  11. Use of, being under the influence of, possession of, or distribution of, alcohol or controlled substances on College property or at College-authorized activities except as permitted under the Board policy entitled “Food Service Facilities.”
  12. Disorderly conduct, breach of the peace, aiding or inciting another to breach the peace, or infringement upon the rights or defamation of another either on College property or at College-authorized activities.
  13. Academic Misconduct (see Academic Integrity AP G.13)
  14. Failure to comply with directions of a College official acting in the performance of his/her duties.
  15. Possession or use of a firearm, explosive, dangerous chemical or other weapon or anything that could be construed as a weapon on College property or at College-authorized activities except as required by law and permitted by Regulations. Law enforcement officers who are enrolled and are on campus to attend classes or study are to take no action to enforce any Regulations, except as required by law. Alleged violations must be reported to college police.
  16. Complicity in which a student present during the commission of an act by another student which constitutes a violation may also be charged if their behavior constitutes permitting or condoning the violation.

Current Board Policy and Administrative Procedures documents

Board Policy and Administrative Procedures

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